Fizzbuzz fun in Scala: A straightforward implementation
In previous articles of this series, I examined various implementations and meanwhile experimented with others at different levels of abstraction. However, before delving into those, I wanted to present what I believe to be the most straightforward approach, which allows for easy reading and extension.
Code can be run using Scala CLI. Save a copy of a complete example in e.g.
and run it like: scala-cli run FizzBuzz.scala
.The below example makes use of simple functions:
// Commenting the Scala 3 version / Scala CLI directive:
//> using scala 3.3.1
@main def fizzbuzz(): Unit =
def fizzbuzz(n: Int): List[String] =
// a lazy list's elements or only evaluated when needed
// create a lazy list counting infinitely from 1
// map to a tuple where first element will hold the result
.map(i => ("", i))
// implement FizzBuzz the logic using easy to read functions
.map((s, i) => if i % 3 == 0 then (s + "Fizz", i) else (s, i))
.map((s, i) => if i % 5 == 0 then (s + "Buzz", i) else (s, i))
// easy to extend:
// .map((s, i) => if i % 2 == 0 then (s + "Bazz", i) else (s,i))
// convert the tuples to a list of Strings
// empty strings are turned into the index number
.map((s, i) => if s.isBlank then i.toString else s)
// take the request number of elements
// remove this line and the next line will never terminate
// here we turn the lazy list into an eager, evaluated list
end fizzbuzz
fizzbuzz(20).foreach(fb => print(fb + ","))
end fizzbuzz
Note how much easier it is to extend than if you would these `if-else` statements:
def shout(i: Int): String =
if (i % 15 == 0) "FizzBuzz" else
if (i % 3 == 0) "Fizz" else
if (i % 5 == 0) "Buzz" else